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A student excavates the ground outside the Humanities Center

Why We Exist

The Humanities Center is a space and community that aims to foster humanistic inquiry on campus understood in broad, interdisciplinary terms.

Welcome to the Humanities Center

At the Humanities Center at Lehigh University, we seek partnerships and collaborations across the Lehigh campus to enrich the study of the human condition in all its various dimensions: cultural, technological, artistic, medical, economic, and political. In coordination with colleges, departments, programs and other academic units on campus, we aim to investigate what human beings are, have been, or will be; what human beings do, have done or will do; in the world as it is, it was or will be.

We believe that the humanities are an essential aspect of a holistic modern education and a key ingredient in all meaningful scholarship, research and discussion about the modern world. The Humanities Center’s mission is also always up for amendment through thoughtful and future-oriented discussion and collaboration among interested staff, students and faculty.

Faculty member speaks into a microphone
Faculty ponder questions about sci-fi stories in the living room of the Humanities Center
Student writing in grass
Two pick axes dig into the ground at the Humanities Center

Archaeology Dig 2025

In Spring 2025, Allison Mickel from Anthropology will be leading students in her introduction to archaeology course to unearth past lives in the backyard of the Humanities Center. 

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Meredith Broussard from NYU

The HC and the Friends of the Library will co-host Meredith Broussard from NYU. Dr. Broussard is a data scientist and one of the few Black female researchers in artificial intelligence.





Students Playing a Board Game

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